20 Reasons Why You Should Choose South Coast Orthodontics

While most dental or orthodontic practices can provide you with one or a few reasons why you should engage their services, we’ll give you twenty solid reasons why you should straighten your teeth at South Coast Orthodontics.

1. Expert in Orthodontics

Dr Kamal Ahmed is a specialist with advanced education and training in orthodontics, focusing exclusively on teeth and jaw alignment. This expertise ensures that you’ll receive the highest level of care for your orthodontic needs. In fact, Dr Kamal is often invited to speak at major national and international dental conferences, sharing his expertise in orthodontics with global dentists and medical professionals. Your local orthodontist is actually globally respected.

2. Dedicated Focus

South Coast Orthodontics is committed to orthodontics as our only area of practice. Orthodontics is not our primary or secondary area of focus; it is our only area of focus. This singular focus means that you’re entrusting your smile to professionals who excel specifically in orthodontics.

3. Proven Track Record

South Coast Orthodontics’ impeccable reputation is reflected in our Google 5-star rating and glowing customer reviews. Additionally, dentists from all across the Illawarra and Sydney constantly refer their patients to Dr Kamal for specialist orthodontic treatment, demonstrating ongoing trust from both customers and peers, who are consistently impressed with the quality of his work and commitment to his clients.

4. Cutting-Edge Technology

South Coast Orthodontics is constantly at the forefront of orthodontic advancements, investing in the latest technologies and techniques. From traditional braces to Invisalign and digital imaging, we utilise state-of-the-art tools to provide you with the most effective and comfortable treatment options.

5. Personalised Care

 At South Coast Orthodontics, we understand that every orthodontic journey is unique. Dr Kamal and the team will create individualised treatment plans tailored to address your specific needs and goals. Your smile transformation is designed especially for you.

6. No Referral Needed

Unlike some medical specialists, you don’t require a referral from your dentist or general practitioner to visit South Coast Orthodontics. Your journey toward a perfect smile starts with a simple call or visit to our office, where you can schedule your initial complimentary consultation with Dr Kamal.

7. Comprehensive Services

From diagnosis and prevention to the management and correction of misaligned teeth and jaws, South Coast Orthodontics offers a full spectrum of orthodontic services. We’re dedicated to guiding you through each step of your orthodontic care, ensuring a comprehensive and successful treatment.

8. Experienced Professionals

Dr Kamal and our team of dental professionals are not only highly educated, but also highly experienced. Education is imperative, but experience is priceless. With over a decade of experience, Dr Kamal has successfully tackled a wide range of orthodontic challenges, giving South Coast Orthodontics the expertise needed to overcome even the most complex cases. You can trust that you’re in experienced, capable hands.

9. Affordability

We understand that orthodontic care is an investment. South Coast Orthodontics offers flexible payment options and works with DentiCare to make sure that high-quality orthodontic treatment is accessible and affordable for all.

10. Exceptional Patient Experience

We prioritise your comfort and satisfaction at every stage of your orthodontic journey. Our caring and knowledgeable staff are dedicated to ensuring that you feel welcomed and well-informed throughout your treatment, making your experience with us exceptional.

11. Community Involvement

At South Coast Orthodontics, we’re not just part of the dental community; we’re active members of the broader Illawarra community. We believe in giving back and are involved in various community outreach programs and events, demonstrating our commitment to making a positive impact beyond our practice. Make sure you regularly read Dr Kamal’s blog to stay updated on South Coast Orthodontics’ community initiatives.

12. Convenient Location

Based at 57 Railway Street in Corrimal, we’re at the heart of the Illawarra. Located near Woolworths and Coles Corrimal on the Princes Highway, free parking is abundant with multiple public transport options.

13. Homely State-of-the-Art Facilities

Our modern and welcoming offices are designed to create a comfortable atmosphere for our patients. We want you to feel relaxed and at ease during your visits. We’re not your average hospital or clinic. You’ll feel at home at South Coast Orthodontics.

14. Family-Friendly Environment

At South Coast Orthodontics, our patients span all ages. Whether you’re seeking orthodontic care for your child, teenager, yourself, or your elderly parents, our practice is designed to be a one-stop orthodontic destination for families.

15. Quick and Efficient Appointments

We understand that your time is valuable. Our efficient scheduling, led by our experienced receptionist, practice manager, and administrators, minimises waiting times, ensuring that your appointments are both effective and convenient.

16. Advanced Treatment Options

South Coast Orthodontics offers a wide range of treatment options, from traditional braces to Invisalign and other advanced orthodontic appliances. We use advanced 3D scanning and other modern technology and techniques to tailor a treatment plan to your specific needs and preferences.

17. Continuous Learning

Dr Kamal and our team of dental professionals are committed to ongoing education and professional development. Our entire team is constantly engaged in the latest industry knowledge and advancements, ensuring that you receive the most current and effective orthodontic information and care.

18. Strong Commitment to Results

Read our outstanding Google Reviews and visit our gallery of Before and After photos, and you’ll know that we’re absolutely committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for you. We’re dedicated to guiding and partnering you to achieve your smile goals and improve your oral health.

19. Flexible Scheduling

South Coast Orthodontics offers convenient appointment times to accommodate your busy lifestyle. Our flexible scheduling options are available daily between 8:00am – 5:30pm, making it easier for you to access the care you need.

20. Post-Treatment Long-Term Support

Most journeys end once you achieve your orthodontic goal. However, Dr Kamal and the South Coast Orthodontics team know that not all cases are as straightforward as that. Your orthodontic journey with South Coast Orthodontics doesn’t end with treatment completion. We’re here to provide you with ongoing guidance and care to maintain the results you’ve achieved, ensuring that your beautiful smile lasts a lifetime.

At South Coast Orthodontics, we combine all these factors to offer you a comprehensive, comfortable, and effective orthodontic experience. Your smile is a vital investment in your future, and we’re dedicated to making it your best asset. Schedule your free consultation today with Dr Kamal and experience the South Coast Orthodontics difference for yourself.