Privacy Statement

South Coast Orthodontics Privacy Statement
Effective Date: 1 November, 2023

Notice for Patients
At South Coast Orthodontics, safeguarding the privacy and security of your personal information is our paramount concern. This Privacy Statement meticulously outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and secure your information. Your visit to our practice and utilisation of our services inherently implies consent to the practices detailed in this statement.

1. Information We Collect
We diligently collect various types of personal information, encompassing but not limited to:

Contact Information: This encompasses your name, address, email address, and phone number.

Personal Health Information: We methodically compile dental and orthodontic records, encompassing medical history, treatment plans, and diagnostic specifics.

Financial Information: This pertains to information concerning insurance, billing, and payment.

Information You Provide: This encompasses any information you voluntarily provide during appointments, on our website, or through other forms of communication.

2. How We Use Your Information
We scrupulously employ your personal information for the following unequivocal purposes:

Orthodontic Treatment: To meticulously provide orthodontic care and treatment.

Appointment Management: This encompasses the meticulous scheduling of appointments and communication with you regarding your treatment.

Financial Transactions: To meticulously process payments and insurance claims.

Communication: To meticulously send appointment reminders and critically essential practice updates.

Service Enhancement: To assiduously enhance our services and carry out comprehensive research and analysis.

Legal Compliance: To rigorously ensure compliance with legal and regulatory prerequisites.

3. Sharing Your Information
We may prudently share your information solely with the following pertinent parties:

Our Care Team: Comprising staff and professionals directly involved in your orthodontic care.

Insurance Providers: Specifically for the purpose of claims processing.

Third-Party Service Providers: Those assisting with pivotal practice operations.

Regulatory Authorities: Solely when mandated by and strictly in accordance with the law.

4. Your Rights and Choices
You possess certain rights pertaining to your personal information, comprising:

Access: A right to request access to your personal information comprehensively held by us.

Correction: A right to demand corrections for any inaccurate or incomplete information.

Deletion: A resolute right to request the deletion of your information, meticulously adhering to legal and ethically non-negotiable obligations.

5. Data Security
We place the utmost priority on the security of your information and have diligently implemented and rigorously maintained reasonable measures to protect it unfailingly from unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or irreversible destruction.

6. Changes to this Privacy Statement
We diligently reserve the right to periodically update this Privacy Statement in accordance with evolving circumstances and emerging privacy considerations. The revised statement will be posted on our website, replete with the updated effective date.

7. Contact Us
For any inquiries, concerns, or elucidations pertaining to your privacy or this statement, please communicate with us directly at:

South Coast Orthodontics
57 Railway Street, Corrimal
NSW Australia, 2158

T: (02) 4216 8600

E: info@southcoastortho.com.au

W: www.southcoastorthodontics.com.au