Before and After Photos, Videos, Result and Stories



Name: Charlie
Orthodontist: Dr Kamal Ahmed, South Coast Orthodontics

Charlie’s mum brought him in early as she was worried about his bite.

Charlies teeth were crooked and shifting his bottom jaw forward. As he was growing there was a good chance of it becoming permanent.

Charlie had upper braces only placed to correct the crooked teeth and his bottom jaw settled back into it’s proper position.


Name: Olivia
Orthodontist: Dr Kamal Ahmed, South Coast Orthodontics

Olivia’s parents were worried about her bite. When she bit her teeth together, her bottom jaw was in front of her top teeth. Olivia is one of the reasons orthodontist want to have a quick look at kids from 8 years old. We really hope everything is developing normally, but know that some problems are a lot easier to manage early.

The type of bite Olivia has only affects a small part of the population. Fortunately Olivia’s parents brought her in at 8 years of age. Much later, and the bones we stretched to correct her bite would have fused, leaving us with no alternative other than to wait until she grew up so a surgeon could surgically re-position her jaw as a young adult.

In Olivia’s case she came in early and we could correct her bite with a plate in 6-12 months


Name: Will
Orthodontist: Dr Kamal Ahmed, South Coast Orthodontics

7 year old Will has a cross bite that is causing a lot of pressure on his adult lower front tooth.

This is pushing it forward out of the bone and causing it to become wobbly, risking losing it.

Dealing with Will’s bite and correcting his teeth now will save him losing his lower adult teeth.


Name: Lucass
Orthodontist: Dr Kamal Ahmed, South Coast Orthodontics

Lucas was sent in by his concerned dentist. Both the dentist and his parents had been wondering where his other front tooth was.

An x-ray revealed and extra tooth that has blocked the adult tooth from coming down, and the adult tooth was impacted at the base of his nose.

The extra tooth was removed, and a brace was glued to the deeply buried adult tooth so it could be grown into position.


Name: Jack
Orthodontist: Dr Kamal Ahmed, South Coast Orthodontics

Jack parents were worried about his bite.

Mum has the same bite and has already had a few consults with a surgeon to correct it by breaking her jaw. She has brought 8 year old jack in to get the treatment she never had as a kid, so that he wouldn’t end up in the same situation as her now.

Jack was treated with a plate for 9 months to help grow his jaw and correct his bite


Name: Brad
Orthodontist: Dr Kamal Ahmed, South Coast Orthodontics

Brad’s parents were worried about his bite. When he bit his teeth together, his bottom jaw was in front of his top teeth. Brad is one of the reasons orthodontist want to have a quick look at kids from 8 years old. We really hope everything is developing normally, but know that some problems are a lot easier to manage early.

The type of bite Brad has only affects a small part of the population. Fortunately Brad’s parents brought him in at 8 years of age. Much later, and the bones we stretched to correct his bite would have fused, leaving us with no alternative other than to wait until he grew up so a surgeon could surgically re-position his jaw as a young adult.

In Brad’s case he came in early and we could correct his bite with a plate in 6-12 months