Dr Kamal Ahmed’s Blog

The Importance of a Strong Educational Foundation in Orthodontics
Hello, I usually blog to educate South Coast Orthodontics’ patients and prospective clients on how to achieve their perfect smile. However, I also regularly receive

Achieve Your Perfect Smile with Invisalign at South Coast Orthodontics
Imagine a world where achieving your dream smile doesn’t involve bulky metal braces or lengthy treatments. With Invisalign, that world is a reality for millions,

Life Outside The Clinic with Dr Kamal Ahmed and Dr. Anél Blignaut
Hello All, I believe that the success of South Coast Orthodontics will always be intrinsically tied to the contentment and happiness of our team members.

Welcome Dr. Anél Blignaut to South Coast Orthodontics
Patients and Friends, Years ago I had the opportunity to work with an orthodontist whose passion, integrity, professionalism and patient outcomes were admirable and world

How We Transform Smiles with 3M Digital Bonding
Dear All, As an orthodontist, my primary goal is to provide my patients with not only beautiful smiles but also a comfortable and efficient treatment

Introducing Yung Starling: Our Hygienist at South Coast Orthodontics
Dear All, As I focus on leading South Coast Orthodontics, it’s important that I recognise and introduce you to my support team, who are all

The 2024 Australasian Society of Lingual Orthodontists (ASLO) Conference
Greetings All, The 2024 ASLO Congress wasn’t just a run-of-the-mill conference – it was my Harry Potter moment, just like stepping into a wizardry orthodontic