Referring Dentists, Doctors and Medical Professionals
Dear Referring Dentists, Doctors and Medical Professionals,
Thank you for referring your patient to South Coast Orthodontics.
Dr Kamal Ahmed and the entire team appreciate that you have entrusted us with your patient’s care.
We value our relationship with you and will honour that by expediting the process and ensuring an absolute minimal waiting period and maximum patient satisfaction.
We value proactive communication and respect that you have a long history with the patient. Therefore, we will regularly update you on the patient’s progress. If we are part of a restorative plan, please advise how we can improve the final outcome. Once our work is fully completed, we will immediately refer them back to you for general dental or medical care.
To expedite the treatment process, please submit this referral form and attach relevant documents.

Message for South Coast Orthodontics:
This field is optional. Please include your practice name, contact person, email, as well as the patient’s name, parent/guardian name, mobile number, and the reason for referral.
"*" indicates required fields
You can also download our referral pad here and email your referral to us.
Should you require further information or have questions, please contact us:
South Coast Orthodontics
Tel. (02) 4216 8600
Email. info@southcoastortho.com.au
57 Railway Street, Corrimal NSW 2518
Clinic Hours.
8:00am – 5:30pm | Monday – Friday